Monday, March 30

Faces of Funny

Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of a life in comedy. Along the way (I'm only 25, i know), life happened, and academia took more of my time than open-mic night...[actually, I've never gotten the courage up to try my hand at stand-up...professionally at least]. Maybe that's why I so enjoy Tina Fey's clever comedy and the fact that she is still a writer at heart. Knowing this inspires me to keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep cracking myself up... Today, blogging; tomorrow...? I'll keep you posted!

30 Rock Factoid: Liz Lemon's love of 'Sabor de Soledad" 
chips once led to a false positive reading on a pregnancy test.  

Say what you will, but I love me some 'fancy pageant-walkin'...

So, even Bijou, I mean, Liz had to work her way up to the boy's club...I laughed so hard I threw up...


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